Wednesday, January 30, 2008

"Senate Makes Fixes to Stimulus Bill"

"But Not Everyone is Happy"!
Some of the information I am using here is found in an article at:,2933,326928,00.html

Ok, why wouldn't a fix make everyone happy? Well I remember and you may too, a 20/20 program sometime back about how many illegal immigrants were actually paying taxes. How they were using ITINs that banks were giving them when they opened accounts! ITINs are Individual Tax Identification Numbers! Then when they filed tax papers for refunds they used these ITIN's to do so! Now most of these people work here and send or more precisely, wire the money back to their home land to their families to live on. Bank of America was getting hit hard on this because they were also issuing credit cards to people with accounts and only ITINs!

Well a Senator realized that the house bill was going to reward these illegal immigrants also, and that money would probably go back to their family in another country and stimulate the wrong country's economy! So in the Senate's version those that file income tax papers using ITINs numbers wouldn't get the refund, only those with valid SSA numbers would! A good fix as I see it!

The original senate version didn't have any caps, which I agreed need to have! So now the senate version caps it at
$150,000 in 2007 for singles with a $500.00 rebate; $1,000 if married and filing jointly with a combined income less than $300,000. Families with children under 17 years old would get $300 per child. that is better than the house bill, it includes everyone with an income, even those with only $1.00 income and up. Not like the house bill that leaves those with less than $3,000.00 income out of it!

So this will cause the senate and house to have to enter a hearing to see if they can work out some agreement to send to the president! But that isn't all that they changed from the house version of the bill! They included an unemployment extension! Some argue that if people have an unemployment extension, it would give them an incentive to stay unemployed! Give me a break! No one wants to be unemployed! Sure it is nice to be able to pay your bills while you are unemployed, and be able to not end up homeless! Some argue they wouldn't look for work, as they would without unemployment.

"The committee extends unemployment payments for 13 weeks for those whose benefits have run out, with 26 more weeks available in states with a 6.5 percent unemployment rate. Only four states qualify for this extra assistance: Alaska, Michigan, Mississippi and South Carolina."

What is the real problem here? Bush's legacy! He doesn't want unemployment to appear to rise on the end of his watch! And it would! Because unemployment figures come from those applying for unemployment! If their unemployment ended, they are not getting any more and are not eligible, the numbers drop! That doesn't really mean unemployment went down, it means that those eligible went down.

The numbers of unemployment stats will go up if people who are unemployed become eligible for benefits! Because they will get a notice and reapply for it! A lot more states may jump up to 6.5 area if there are more benefits to be had!

Ok what else could there be? Oh remember I said in my earlier blog on this subject that the poor and seniors and disabled should get help too! Well under the senate package they will! Those that make under $3,000.00 a year would get the same rebate married and single!

"The Senate Finance Committee bill also gives rebate checks to more than 20 million low-income seniors who live on Social Security benefits. The disabled are also included in this, as they, too, get Social Security benefits. Baucus said 75,000 disabled veterans would get checks, as a result."

Great fix, the size of rebate down from $600.00 to $500.00 and $1,200.00 to $1000.00 and preventing money from rebates from ending up in foreign economy's will more than pay for the money going to those not included under the house bill! The economic stimulus will also pay back in more taxes collected by the government if the president is right and so how can that hurt? It can't!

So I say to the senate, stick to your guns, and house members get some back bone and fight for this senate bill if you are going to fight for a bill! You can over ride a veto if there is one!

There are enough republicans out there going to have to be reelected to over ride this veto if it is vetoed! If the republicans don't vote to over ride the veto, you have a very good campaign to unseat them and replace them with a democrat that would! And if there are democrats that vote against this bill, them we need to look at replacing them as well! Stop crying about what the president may do and do your job's!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Democrats Barely Show in Sunshine State

"In Florida, leaders of both state parties are confident the national parties will relent in order to avoid angering Florida voters whose support will be needed to win in November."

Why would Florida voters be mad or angry at the DNC or the Republican Party over losing it's convention vote? It seems to me, they should have angry at their state leaders who pushed their primary up that cause the lose of delegates to the convention! And that is what the leaders in both state parties are hopping their citizens will forget!

Michigan and Florida voters should be up set with it's own leaders not the national leaders! Their state leaders were told what would happen! Other states wanted to do the same thing, but listened to the national party leaders! By reconsidering Michigan and Florida would amount to punishment to the other states that abides by the nation party rules!

Get a life and do what you are suppose to, follow the rules!

Or suffer the consciences!

House Passes $146 Billion Economic Aid Package

Ok, what gets me is when Speaker Nancy Pelosi got up and said they tried for more but lost it in negotiations with the whitehouse and republicans! We wonder why the Democratric congress has less approval rating than the president? The democrats in Congress, especially in the house, have no back bone! God forbid that something would actually happen to the President and VP and Pelosi would become president! She shows no backbone in congress, she wouldn't get it as President!

What is the President going to do, if they had held to their guns in support of giving Seniors and the poor a little more? Vetoed it in an election year? And even if the president did veto it, do you think that the republicans in congress would vote against such a economic stimulus package during an election year? They would have a veto over ride it!

With the house plan you have to have an earned income of at least $3000.00 to get anything! Anyone under that gets nothing! And it caps at $150,000.00, anyone over that gets nothing!

With this years cold weather and the cost of energy, they should of added low income energy assistance increase along with a social security bonus for those eligible!

What are people being told to do with this rebate if they get it? Spend it like the President would like them to? No most economist and financial planners are say they should use it to pay down credit cards, or put it in a short term savings CD to earn on! People that get this money will not be spending it for the most part, they will do as their financial advisers tell them to do!

So we would of put out $146,000,000.00 to do nothing!

If you want to stimulate the economy, give it to the poor and senors, they need cloths and shoes and food for themselves and their families, they will spend it because they would have too to survive! Not that they would survive without it, so will, but there are some that won't and in our elderly community because of lack of money to pay for heat and freeze to death this winter or died because of the heat this summer and not be able to even afford a fan!

I for one hope the senate has back bone, and I for one applaud the 10 democrats and 25 republicans in the house that voted against this package as is!

It's not that I don't want people to get a rebate, but that if it is to stimulate the economy, everyone should get something! This package just doesn't do enough to be considered! The senate should hold out and put addon's on the package for the poor and seniors! And they should hold to their guns to force the issue and if needed push for a veto override!

We want change and this package doesn't even start to look or smell like change! It is the same old same old what we are against!

If we need to do something to afford this package, lets start bring our men and women home from Iraq tomorrow! Lets not allow any of them be redeployed to Afghanistan without at least a year of home time! Lets do it right not wrong!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Ok, Obama won SC tonight. What is next?

I was reading an article tonight someone posted to a group I'm on, that Clinton is trying to get the DNC to reconsider their decision to not seat the Michigan and Florida delegates. She feels she would get the majority of Michigan delegates and if she were to win in Florida where they are not campaigning, she would have a major lead in delegates towards the nomination!

Florida democratic party is saying that supporters of both Clinton and Obama are out registering voters and trying to get them to vote early as you can now vote early in the primary to take place this next Tuesday.

Now, what is she going to do if Obama takes Florida like I think he will? Will she still be asking for the DNC to lift it's decision to not seat either states delegate. Well, we will have to wait and see! This Tuesday will tell.

It is my hope that a majority of those in the democratic party in Florida want change as well, after the 2000 fiasco, where 150,000 democratic were denied the right to vote after their names appeared on a list of felons put out by then republican AG, when they were not felons! They had every right to vote!

It is my hope that one family dynasty in the presidency is enough!

And after hearing our Ex-President Clinton mislead and lie, attempting to swiftboad Obama, like Bush supporters swiftboated Kerry in the 2004 election! At least it wasn't Bush doing it, it was his supporters! But having our ex-president, a leading democrat do this to a fellow democrat, it is inexcusable! And it was done with the approving nod of his wife the senator from New York that is running against Obama! And Hillary belittles Obama's spouse, Michelle Obama by comparing her to Mr. Clinton by saying "they both have spirited spouses supporting them"! Mrs. Obama has never said anything misleading or untrue about either Clinton's!

We need change! I hope those voting in Florida and the Super Tuesday Primary are smarter than the Clinton's give then credit for!

We need change and that change is Obama!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Now starts the hard time!

Today we went to Ottumwa to see off my brother and his daughter and family. They are now on the way back to New Orleans on a bus.

This really starts a little over two years ago. Katrina hits New Orleans and the Levy's brake and water starts flooding the 9th ward in New Orleans. My niece was living in the 9th ward at the time. My brother had went to stay with them during the storm, during which the high winds took part of their roof. They ended up having to walk out in waist high water. N'Kenge was only 5 years at the time, had only attended kindergarten a couple weeks. Jazmin was only 2 at the time. Georgia, my niece was 9 months pregnant at the time. had been having contractions for some time.

My brother helped Georgia get the girls out of the 9th ward to safety, walking through waist high water a couple blocks till they saw a deuce and half truck, which picked them up and got them to the stadium. Georgia continued to have contractions, and those in charge wanted to air vac her out, but they wouldn't allow her to take her daughters and dad with her, so she refused to be air vac out without them.

They ended up on a bus to Houston TX the next day.

We had no idea where they were at the time, and I listed information on different web sites about them.

It wasn't long till I had heard from my brother John in Houston that they were ok. They were not sure what they were going to do. At first they thought of staying in Houston and finding work, but they couldn't find anything or housing.

We talked and they decided to come to Iowa for a while, and with help found a house in Ottumwa they could live in for 6 months rent free. They only had to pay their own utilities and phones. At the end of the 6 months they had to find another house to rent as the owner of the first house didn't realize it was a mix race family and her boy friend was black.

Now I'm getting ahead of my self.

There was an organization that was helping people get relocated. They had asked them if they could get help, and on Saturday September 9th, they got a call asking them if they were interested in relocating. Then Monday came, Georgia was hoping to have the baby and then relocate, or at least have a couple days to get things together, but the organization told them, they had reservations on flights to Des Monies Iowa that afternoon, and they had to be at the airport by 4pm. They, all four of them, and yes, still pregnant Georgia arrived around midnight on Monday night September 11th at the Des Monies airport, where I was waiting to pick them up and take them back to Ottumwa where they would stay with my oldest son for a few days till the house was ready. Thursday they were suppose to get in the house, and Georgia was only interested in getting the house cleaned so it would be clean for the family to move into! I had come to town on Thursday to take her around to a couple appointments that morning, she still having contractions! After our last stop at an office that was going to help her with items for the baby and kids, I asked her if she had been to WIC to get it? She hadn't so we stopped there. The WIC lady asked Georgia if she had found a doctor yet, and Georgia said no. So they called around and found a doctor at the Ottumwa Clinic next to the Hospital that would see her, and they wanted her to come out that afternoon as soon as she could so they could examine her as she was having contractions! Now it was approx. 1:30pm at the time, and they asked if we could bring her right out we told them yes. So we were at the doctors office at aprox. 2:15pm and at 2:30 they decided to wheel her over to the hospital as the doctor was over there getting ready to deliver another baby, and he wanted to examine her.

Georgia's oldest daughter had already been enrolled in school, and it was almost time for her to get out, and someone needed to pick her up. I left everyone at the hospital thinking it would be a few hours if she had the baby at all that day, and went after N'Kenge, and them drove to Bloomfield to pick up our daughter Beth at the high school as she got out. The girls and I arrived back at the hospital about 4:15 pm and was told Georgia had the baby right after I had left.

Yes, Georgia was in my car at 2pm and by 3:31pm the baby was here! It was a boy! He was so cute. They spent a couple days in the hospital and then went home. Georgia named him after his grandfather, my brother(John William) .

We helped Georgia by taking him home with us just a day or so after she took him home, and watched him a few days a week from a week old, to allow her a chance to recouple and get things settled in the new home in Iowa after losing everything they had in New Orleans. We continued to watch him a few days a week to help them, until this week! He spent this past weekend with us for the last time. We took him home for the last time Wednesday afternoon.

So we had helped care for little John William from a week old to after his 2nd birthday. He is our Bud! And today we bid them farewell as he and his mother and sisters and grandpa boarded a bus in Ottumwa to relocate back to New Orleans! He had turned 2 this past September 15th! We will not only miss our family that we had grown use to having close to us in Ottumwa, but miss a little guy we have grown so close to over the past two years!

This was one of the hardest days in my life! There is a chance we may have him for part of the summer, so summer will not come fast enough! We are looking forward to June 2008! Till then our home feels a little more empty! Our lives feel a little more empty without Georgia and girls and my bother John just 30 minutes away from us! Now they are a world away from us!

Georgia had been working at the WalMart in Ottumwa, and going to Ottumwa and WalMart there will not be the same!

We already miss them and they just left us this morning!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Media Bias!!!!!!!!!!! Clinton a Big Winner???

Ok, I thought it was so funny when the media made NH a "Big Win for Hillary"! When Hillary and Obama actually tied for delegates in NH! Now Nevada was a "Big Win for Hillary"! But it looks as if Obama will receive 13 of the 25 delegates with Hillary only getting 12!

Now I have a hard time figuring how one ties in one state and gets less delegates in another is a "Big Win"!?

Our media plays it like Hillary won big and got the hole ball of wax! They are trying to convince people in South Carolina and on Supper Tuesday that Hillary is the one winning so they will believe Obama will not be a viable candidate! They need to convince people this going in to Supper Tuesday or the voters may just decide to vote for Obama instead of Hillary! This is because the polls show Hillary steady fall from a double digit lead in the polls early to a very small lead going into Supper Tuesday! A lead that could evaporate by Supper Tuesday and make Obama a really Big Winner!

I hope people don't listen to the media! We in Iowa didn't listen to the media. People need to go home and turn their news programs off and not listen to anyone in the media until they have voted on Supper Tuesday! Go listen to each of the Candidates! And especially go to an Obama rally! Listen to him not what people are saying about him! If you have a chance ask a question or listen to the questions others may ask, as they may have the same questions as you!

I hope South Carolina voters are smart enough to go to the polls this coming Saturday and vote for Change and against the same old same old! By voting for Obama!

If Democrats really want to win in November and put a Democrat in the White House, they better start thinking for themselves and vote for Change!

I was a Reagan Republican, that went Independent until 2000! As a Independent I voted for Clinton for both terms! I registered as a Democrat for the 2000 election! I voted against Bush, the first time and second in 2004! I really believe that we need a Democratic President in office! I believe that president should be Barak Obama. He is the only one that will bring true change!

I am watching very closely the Republican Primaries this year! It is the first time in sometime, I have considered voting Republican in the general election in November! I am watching McCain, hoping he is the Republican nominee! Why? Because I'm afraid that many Voters will listen to the media and either vote for Hillary because the media portrays her as the winner all the time, and Obama as not viable! Or they will stay home figuring their vote for Obama won't count or he is going to loss anyway, just listen to the media as they push Hillary!

So this once Reagan Republican will possibly vote for a Republican again this November if that Republican is McCain and the Democratic nominee is Hillary!

This primary season is over the difference of Good over Evil! And if Obama wins the Democratic Primary, Good will have won! And I will vote for Obama in November!

My worst nightmare is that in November the choice will be between Romney or Clinton! That will be no choice at all! It will serve the Democratic Party right if Romney would win the presidency with that choice!!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Michigan Delegates Seated in National Convention?

Both Florida and Michigan have been stripped of delegates going in to the national convention in Denver. Those delegates could determine which candidate wins the nomination if they are allowed to be seated and cast their support to one or more of the candidates!

What would happen if they are seated? The democratic party would be in turmoil! The National DNC would have no power over the next primary/caucus season in four more years! Any state could move up their date and argue that those this year were allowed to be seated and cast their support and so they should be able to as well and rightfully so!

States like Iowa would have problems because by Iowa DNC rules, we have to have our caucus first in the nation. NH law says they have to have their primary with no other primary seven days before of after it's and can't be on the same day as another states! Neither Iowa nor NH will give up their first in the nation spots, so we could end up with a free for all a hole year possibly two years before the actual presidential national election!

Does the National DNC want to give it's control up? I hope not!

We will now have to wait and see what happens!