Monday, September 07, 2009

So Called Christian Churches that are not.

When you read the title of this blog you mite think of what many believe are cults, such as are listed by many cult watchers. The Mormon(Church of Later day Saints), Jehovah's Witness, Seventh Day Churches of God, any church that preaches another gospel other than that which is preached in the New Testament Church, or orthodox biblical belief.

Many other church fall near this, the Baptist church is one that puts being a member of their church before belief in Gods Son, which is not biblical.

I'm not going to be talking here about any of the above, but a much more serious problem for true Christianity. It is a movement to bring heresy into the church denominations. And I will identify at least three denominations that have moved now from Christianity to heresy's that remove them from a biblically definition of a Christian Church and part of the Body of Christ.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America(ELCA) this summer has joined the Episcopal Church(EC), and The United Church of Christ(UCC) adopted these inclusive policies years ago, allowing openly practicing gays in to the ministry. With the move to open communion with the United Methodist Church(UMC), and the UMC active pacivity towards openly gay clergy coming out of the closet and not removing them from the ministry, which is a violation of their own "Book of Discipline" puts this denomination on the edge of becoming non-Christian. The ELCA, UCC, EC and UMC are no longer Christian organizations/groups. The ministers within these churches that promote the acceptance of Homosexuality have the spirit of the anti-Christ as we as Christians are warned against, in much of the writtings of the New Testament.

They are non-Christian religions. If you find yourself in one of the above, you should consider moving out of them and finding a new Christian Fellowship that looks to the Bible for doctrinal beliefs, as they do no longer see the Bible as their authority. If they did, they would not be moving in the direction they are.

I post this in hopes that many will come to repentance and return to Christ before it is to late. And to warn those looking for a relationship with God through his son, not to be taken in by their lies.

It is my belief that we have moved into the time when Christ said "many are called but few are chosen"(Paraphrased). There are many, like in many of the churches the apostles Paul, Peter, Jude and John wrote to that are falling to the same heresy's. whether it is immorality or legalism, both lead the same place, Hell! Whether it is those that promote immoral sexuality as acceptable or Judaism, they lead the same place.

God will hold those ministers responsible, who do not come out and preach against this heresy. We are told that the harvest is ready but many of them that are ready will be deceived and will not make it. They are considered as God's little ones, and those that allow or look the other way while they are hurt by false doctrine, we are told it would be better that they have a mill stone around their neck and thrown in the depth of the seas, then what waits for them on the day of judgment.

For those that say it doesn't affect us, by saying this it does, as you are not doing your part in correcting the Church. What is done in your name does affect you! You are called to be disciple, not pew setters!

Rev. Charles

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Medical insurance bill

As I'm watching the news, as a news and internet addict, I find it interesting that many in DC on the republican side haven't learned anything. The biggest move by the republicans is to derail the Obama plan and his agenda without any real counter idea. The news has that right. The independents that voted for Obama support him and will continue to support Obama in voting for those on the left over the extreme right. It is sad, but the old saying of the lesser of two evils is still the adage that fits. Democrats better becareful, and Pelosi in the house is one I hope that loses the primary to a new voice in the democratic party, there are more that need to go home and stay there, Grassley is a republican that needs to be replaced by and independent or democrat. Anyone found going to the Christian group the Family in DC needs to be replaced.

August dead line is ok, the nation has been waiting a long time for health care reform that helps everyone, anything less is not acceptable, so democrats don't cut who is covered and don't cut taxes for the rich. The rich will still be rich and continue to get rich.

The country is smarter than they are given credit for. They will see through those republicans that want to derail Obama all together. They will see through the scare and hate tactics

I have heard from some that say it would hurt them to have to pay more taxes, as they are over extended, and they may have to declare bankruptcy if they are taxed more as they won't be able to take care of those area's they are over extended in. Sorry you shouldn't of over extend yourself, that is what you tell the middle class on their credit cards, when they over extend themselves. And it may do some good being brought down to the middle class and see how hard it is for the middle class and or poor.

I'm sorry that the rich were bailed out when the government saved all those big banks, it is to bad the government doesn't bailout the 54 + or - smaller banks that has failed over the first half of this year. It's to bad that the government didn't bailout retired auto workers when it bailed out GM and other and allowed them to go into bankruptcy and all those older pension holders lost everything. The government under the republicans and democrats encouraged people to invest their retirement in the stock market, and it is to bad that the government didn't bail out those that lost all their retirement.

So to have the rich help with medial for the poor, and middle class that can't afford medical insurance coverage is right.

So go home in August at your own risk without passing the health insurance bill. The senate should stay and deal with health care instead of going home as well.

Why do so many Americans vote against themselves by voting for those that are against the health care bill. Don't let them scare you. They have had plenty of time to deal with this, many of them 20+ years in congress, and they haven't done anything, it is time to do something and try it out and fix it where it fails. Doing nothing or voting no is not an option if you want to return to congress in either house.

Rev. Charles